

Manga! engaged a group of young people frequenting the Central Library and Central Art Gallery with the local history and heritage of their area.

Fifteen young people who all had an interest in Manga met at the gallery over several months and focussed on two aspects of Tameside’s past – the Gorse Hall murder and the legend of the Black Knight. They developed historical research skills, created comic books, made an animation dvd, learnt to use sewing machines to make their own costumes, did a photography shoot, planned and promoted an events day and finally brought all these elements together in an exhibition seen by over 4,000 visitors.

The project achieved the following:

  • Enhanced self confidence and self-esteem among the participants:

  • Helped the young people and in some cases gave them the confidence to change their home lives.

  • Sparked aspirations for the future, with participants embarking on college courses as a direct result of the project.

  • Taught participants new skills including sewing, photography, animation and design.

  • Challenged negative assumptions about teenagers.

Commissioned by Central Art Gallery, Ashton-under-Lyne